New year, new efforts. It is often said that one should combine the pleasant with the useful and in this particular place it's art meeting a record shop, the record shop Grooveamt Records in Dresden. I'm over the moon to be invited to have an exhibition there at there 2nd opening after water damage at it's old address forced it to move at the end of last year. This will be the 1st time almost every poster I released over the entire period since I'm doing it will be on show. Grand re-opening will be at January, 11th 2025 at 4pm. There's going to be a live accoustic set too at 5pm and an Indie aftershow at Madness Bar right around the corner from 7pm. I'm looking forward to anf hope to see you all there!
2024, September
"Keine Atempause, Geschichte wird gemacht ..." Right after arrival back from Hamburg Flatstock it's same time a year again and same procedure: Colored Gigs, this time back at the Groovestation Dresden where it all began ages ago. Instead of a lot of fun we had DJs, bands, live painting of a mural outside, live printing inside, artist talks indeed and a lot more. That felt 3 damn good days, thx everybody partipating in any way, enjoyed it a lot!
2024, September
It's this time a year when Flatstock at Reeperbahnfestival in Hamburg is calling and this time - surprise, surprise - it's going to be different; at least for SIEB-ER. After a couple times attending in previous years as "the mascot" this time it's going to be big time coming! After given the chance by Bastian Seever and Holger Markewitz-Peters from Giraffentoast Gallery Hamburg and Luis Schenk aka Updownprints to share booth I'm going to present my work for the very first time there and ladies and gentlemen what shall I say: I'm buzzing, I'm over the moon! Come along if you're in Hamburg and spread the word, looking forward to see you there!
line up this year: @714creative / @apes_of_doom / @bigbaboliprinthouse / @michael_cowell / @crosshairchicago / @jrsdks / @giov_poster / @giraffentoast_agentur / @gracehelly_kommune_art / @simonmarchner / @mercadorama / @serigrafia_monostereo / @bribbry / @senor_burns / / @spiegelsaal / @updownprints / @zumheimathafen / @jellevangosliga
(artwork by Crosshair Chicago)
2023, September
Flatstock 89* at Reeperbahnfestival 2023 at Festival Village Heiligengeistfeld Hamburg
"Don't wait for someone else to put your stuff out there, do it yourself!" Spawned in true DIY fashion, Flatstock, the American Poster Institute's world-leading gig poster show series, has come a long way. From its very first show in a San Francisco warehouse in 2002, it now takes in shows at major festivals all over the globe such as SXSW Austin, Pitchfork Chicago, Bumbershoot Seattle, Primavera Sound Barcelona and Corona Capital Mexico. An essential since its first Reeperbahn Festival appearance, the 17th edition of Flatstock will take place this year. And what can beat treasuring your best concert experiences and favourite bands with a reminder on your wall to go alongside those memories in your head. The Poster Show features original graphics, created especially for a gig or tour, by 29 poster artists, studios and collectives from Europe and the US. Styles, regions, generations: the posters give a colourful insight into contemporary music history in action. But unlike classic art exhibitions, Flatstock isn't just about looking: visitors can buy limited and authorised screen prints directly, and chat about them with the respective artists. This year’s line-up presents some new faces, giving fans the chance to meet their new favourite artist in the flesh.
Line Up: Apes of Doom, Michael Cowell, Crosshair, Joris Diks, Douze, Dr. Knoche, Giov’, Max Gordon, Grace Helly, Michael Hacker, Illuminous Minds, The Impossible Machine, Willem Kolvoort, Max Loeffler, Simon Marchner, Miss Felidae, Monostereo, Muah, My Name is Bri, Señor Burns, Spiegelsaal, Subterranean Prints, Jelle van Gosliga, VERA, Wonky, Zellerloid, Zerosome, Zum Heimathafen
*opening Wednesday & Thursday 14.00Uhr - Friday & Saturday 12.00Uhr
2023, May
Thx for having us Steinhaus Bautzen and thx for everything Colored Gigs. It was and still is a pleasure to see the posters framed by a venue like this and I appreciate it a lot. Anyway the postershow, the live bands, the DJs, the live printing, the live reading etc is now over a decent amount of posters of every artist (Lars P. Krause, Drake Rubicon, MUAH!, Sieb-er, die HOdruck, MagisterArts, Phillip Janta, Michael Hacker, Thomas Zettel) are still is on display there and if you're coming along don't hesitate to drop by.
Pics by Karsten Richter
2022, September
Colored and Medienkulturzentrum - Kraftwerk Mitte Dresden were calling again for another Poster festival in Dresden only 1 week after Flatstock Hamburg this time with real people in the house and artists like Lars P. Krause, Spiegelsaal, Senor Burns, Jelle van Gosliga, Muah, Drake Rubicon, Susanne Magister and me, Tom Sieber. Nice couple days with all the lads, having live screen printing, artist talks, making masks, bands, DJs etc.!
2022, September
It's this time around each year two events take place being somehow important for screenprinters. Flatstock Hamburg as part of the Reeperbahn Festival and Colored Gigs Dresden. Hundreds of gig posters from legends like Queens of the Stone Age, Foo Fighters, Iggy Pop and The National, memorable acts like Wet Leg and Wilco as well as some acts taking the stages of the Reeperbahn Festival themselves this year. Bad bootlegs, crumpled site fence posters, pixelated CD covers on paper? Never! At the gig poster shows, those who browse will find band-authorized posters, lush screen prints on sturdy cardboard, limited, signed in very small editions. Especially nice: All artists are on site themselves and are happy to tell you about the work they have brought with them - without any intermediaries. Take your time and come around either here or there or anywhere.
2021, December
As mentioned in the news section earlier on there was another silkscreen printing workshop at Douze Studios Dresden late November but that was only one part of another edition of Golored Gigs (this time Redux) in December. There're panels with different artists talking 'bout there poster art and giving lectures, bands were playing live streams and you were able to pop by and pic your poster yourself at Medienkulturzentrum - Kraftwerk Mitte Dresden. Last but not least you're still able to walk through the online exhibition at Colored
2022, September
As 2021 is about coming to an end Lars P. Krause was calling for another silkscreen printing workshop at Douze Studios Dresden and I didn't want to miss this opportunity after last years workshop didn't happen due to obvious reasons. Very special thing this year is the news there's another edition of Golored Gigs (this time Redux) just around the corner starting December 3rd 2021. Special because of becoming a digital version of it's own and so you'll be able to enter the exhibition online from home or wherever you are, watch panels with different artists giving lectures on different topics etc. anyway there'll be a time window you'll be able to pop by and pic your poster yourself at Medienkulturzentrum - Kraftwerk Mitte Dresden.
2021, April - May
Due to various pandemic lock downs it's not only bands not touring but clubs, bars, museums and galleries being closed as well and gigposter-art might get forgotten. Due to that Dresden Bar Combo uses their windows as a street gallery for a while now and invited Lars P. Krause and me almost 3 weeks ago to show the people what we do and here we are. Big hugs and thank you to Guram and Combo for having us.
2018, September
pretty happy and very proud of course to become involved into Colored Gigs Vol. X in 2018 - a gigposter show in Dresden from September 29th to 30th - giving a helping hand and having my posters displayed for the very 1st time
2017, December
First ever time to silk screen myself, woohoo! Had a huge lot of fun for 3 days at a workshop at Douze studios in Dresden with Lars P. Krause and Torsten Jahnke from Spiegelsaal Hamburg. With a couple bands already asking for posters this might just be the beginning of something, let's see.